Triol Brand Book 2020: a new branding vision
27 / 05 / 2020 3912 Vistas
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Con una pandemia en aumento y teniendo el control global, nuestra vida se ha detenido un poco. COVID-19 ha traído muchos cambios a nuestras vidas y todos vamos a necesitar una hoja en blanco. Empezamos a reconsiderar nuestras acciones, sueños y metas. Estamos seguros de que no estamos poniendo un letrero de “alto” a nuestro desarrollo y evolución de tecnologías y enfoque. Triol tiene la forma de un nuevo inicio a las cosas teniendo una junta estratégica cada enero.

La junta de enero del 2020 abrió nuevos horizontes y sabíamos desde un principio que las cosas tenían que cambiar. Tomamos la decisión de hacer un cambio en la dirección de la estrategia de mercadotecnia y de una nueva visión de marca. Como resultado, el 15 de abril lanzamos oficialmente un totalmente nuevo Manual de Identidad de Marca Triol

La primera parte del manual permite comprender la atmósfera y la esencia de la compañía. La segunda parte describe cómo Triol se posiciona a sí mismo en el mercado, el formato deseado para las relaciones con el mercado y la audiencia a la que va dirigido. La tercera parte contiene información sobre cómo, dónde y qué herramientas usar para mantenerse actualizado con el estado actual. Nos complace compartir este gran trabajo contigo y esperamos que nuestro manual de identidad de marca te ayude a entendernos mejor. Si quieres saber cómo vamos a trabajar, eres bienvenido a descargar nuestra versión resumida del Manual de Identidad de Marca Triol dando click en el enlace a continuación.

Triol. Tus soluciones elegantes y esenciales.


Getting closer and understanding our Customers, Partners, and Suppliers are the core values that reflect in our work

We are glad to announce the launch of our new website An absolutely new approach to the UIUX, high performance, clear and engaging content. You will be pleasantly surprised by how we put everything you would like to know about Triol elegant and fundamental solutions in a user-friendly design. Share your experience from interacting with us, feel free to contact us on



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1993-2020. All Rights Reserved

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Maximize production with state-of-the-art Triol Drive

Smart, easy-to-start, reliable and cost-saving Triol VSD for ESP application will help you to achieve your business objectives.

Maximize oil production with Triol VSD!

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Implantation of new unique methods of testing Triol Corporation products

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Oil Operators Meet Power Company’s Harmonics Requirements with Triol Clean Power Solution

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1993-2020. All Rights Reserved

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Get supremacy advantage on drive market with Triol solutions

We offer you new game-changing drives which help you outperform them and reach your satisfaction because of our technical features and partnership benefits.

Most of options are already in drive TRIOL AT24 – you don't need buy more.

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Triol АТ24 VFD line SD power cell

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Hoisting Tool for Electrical Cabinet

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1993-2020. All Rights Reserved

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Win the competition with the innovative functionality of the conveyor control!

The main criteria for defeating competitors

  • No downtime process operation
  • Cost-effective control system by optimizing cost, energy costs and high reliability
  • Accuracy of maintaining technological parameters of conveyor movement
  • Control of smooth start and stop of the conveyor
  • Synchronizing the speed of multiple pipelines
  • Full motor protection
  • Ease of use
  • Flexibility and ease of operation
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Triol АТ24 VFD line SD power cell

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1993-2020. All Rights Reserved

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Lift-up your elevator business with
Triol dedicated Drive

Unique VFD design and software algorithms allow to operate with variety of elevator systems

  • geared and gearless
  • induction motors and permanent magnet motors
  • open loop or closed loop
  • support of Incremental, EnDat and SinCos rotary encoders
  • for new projects or modernization of old ones
  • any type of control system

Comfort, safety, reliability and efficiency… you need the most for your elevator

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Hoisting Tool for Electrical Cabinet

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1993-2020. All Rights Reserved

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Get market leadership with Triol Drives

8 Integral Components Of Leadership

  • 14 lines of LV and MV VFDs for many applications
  • Commissioning support on first units installed
  • On-time delivery with logistics strategy in the US
  • Minimum inventory with all-in-one drives
  • Technical excellence, intelligent control and simple interface
  • Project exclusivity to secure the bid
  • Engineering support and product customization
  • Price advantage

Let’s Get Market Leadership Together!

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Transforming the world

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Triol АТ24 VFD line SD power cell

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1993-2020. All Rights Reserved

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Outcompete with

A wide range of products ensures participation in almost all drives projects. Triol AT27 is your ideal product that guaranteed maintenance of the technical process.

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Triol AT27 VFD Vacuum Switch

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Copyright © Triol Corporation Ltd.
1993-2020. All Rights Reserved

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Add huge benefits to your great proposal

Triol offers the most competitive price, try and buy payment terms for first units. Motor adaptor and all connections are included in to the price. Consignment Stock - for extra needs.

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Downhole Measuring System TM01: product line extension

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High-temperature Downhole Measuring System TM01-18

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Copyright © Triol Corporation Ltd.
1993-2020. All Rights Reserved

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Get a critical edge by small investment with Triol’s downhole sensors

Critical edges to become a market leader

  • Best economical offer
  • Excellent service
  • Large production scale
  • Experienced vendor
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Downhole measuring systems: what's on the market?

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Downhole Measuring System Triol TM01: new generation of surface unit

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1993-2020. All Rights Reserved